I have been, as always looking at my surroundings with a lens in my mind. I recently shot some stuff for a friend that is a defense attorney and that resulted in scouting, then subsequent shooting elsewhere. So I have some not so unique shots here, places that are photographed relentlessly but I found myself at each one completely alone.
The first is the namesake of the city that I live in, city is used as a descriptor loosely. We mostly occupy a large area as farm cast outs, whether it's first gen or 4th gen....we who live here mostly likely have blood that was shed upon the fields of SD.
The latter is a place that is dedicated to those who have served this country in battle. The Veterans Memorial Park. I don't know what drew me to this park that day but 30seconds into my visit I saw what will stay with me until my last breath. I walked upon the memorial bricks and was greeted by a lone Rose, it was the only color in the park and symbolized the individual. The man or woman that signs a dotted line, leaves their family maybe to never return. Sacrifice that most of us can not imagine. I stared at this rose for a long time and thanked all who bled their end upon the earth for us and for those who still fight.
These are things I see and if I were more disciplined about having the camera with me the more I could express myself. Just remember that when you think that the day is tough, someone is walking down a road that DOES have an end and won't be coming home!