Monday, July 26, 2010

A Few Recent Shots

These are some of the images I've captured recently. I have been at the computer editing a lot, listening to good music, and very much enjoying the incredible opportunity to be my own boss.

I have always felt that Photography or a Photo gives us the chance to stop time, or a captured image can really act as a time machine. I find this especially true with children for obvious reasons. My goal in shooting photos of children is to capture who they are, who they really are! Who we as parents see daily and at any given moment think to ourselves how beautiful they are and how much we wish we had a picture of "that expression" or smile. I want to give you that as a parent.

Time flies by so quickly so lets try to stop it on occasion!

A special thanks to the Karim Family; The Petrick Family; The Hennies Family; and The Van Beek Family on our recent sessions.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Going Political

Here is some recent work that I've done for Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin. On the occasions that I have worked with her and her staff, it has been effortless. She is very sincere and in observing her interactions with people, just plane genuine.

I think that she does a very good job at representing the people of South Dakota.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Who I am

Normally I won't post a photo on this blog that isn't my own unless it has a significant meaning or it is from someone that I completely am in awe of and give credit to. Here is one of those times!

This is the sentimental photo/words addition; I didn't take this photo, not sure who did but I really like it. This is my Dad, Lee McManus. If you don't know me and have happened upon this little sliver of a blog, my Father Lee died 2+ years ago. He is my best friend and I miss him terribly everyday. We talked nearly every day and it is hard for me to grasp the fact that I haven't talked to him in this long!

So, I was trying to find a message that I missed on the home phone (land line) and heard my Dad's voice talking to me. This threw me back in time and suddenly he seemed right there again.

I am my Dad, yet I am me, but without my Dad who knows what I would be!

Miss you Dad,

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Becka & Ryan Burger Wedding

Here are some shots from the wedding. Jill and I had a great time shooting and spending time with our friends on their beautiful day.

We wish them all the best....Congrats again!


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Becka & Ryan

So I have read on occasion that some photogs won't shoot their friends (though some might want to, and not with a camera). I have also read "tips" about dealing with BIG occasions if a photog does snap the shutter on friends, seemed very un-friend like the things that I was coming across.

Anyway, I was asked to shoot a wedding for my friends and agreed to....of course. Their ceremony sounded beautiful and was very much my style. Outdoors, Natural Light (aahhh), and an incredible location....the Black Hills of SoDak.

I am still editing after pulling the trigger more than 1500 times, probably closer 2000. I never let my cards leave my possession until loaded in my Mac. In fact the night of the wedding I slept with them in my pocket, as I wandered through dream land I ended up having a NIGHTMARE....I fell (or was pushed) into a pool with the cards in my pocket. Of course after that I woke up several times checking on them:)

I thought that I'd share a couple images here, and will post more after the edits are done and the Bride and Groom have them.

Most of all I'd like to Thank Becka and Ryan for the opportunity to not only spend that day with you but to capture such a special moment in your lives together!